Monthly Retrospective: May 2024

There is a real before-and-after to this month: before I moved and after!

Either way, it’s a very light month because it has been such a month of upheaval and I haven’t had my paints set out most of the time.

In Massachusetts

A random landscape and some birds.


I did only one painting of my usual type…

Window view, South Granville. May 15, 2024.

Plus some on-location sketches…

And I did two more Poppy Balser classes.

I discussed landscape/color differences in my post: Vancouver Colors Revisted + palette update.

I hope to get into a better routine and be able to do a bit more this month. I still have to put ongoing life stuff first (notably starting my new job and finding a longer-term place to live), and I don’t have quite as good of a paint setup as I’d like in my temporary accommodations, so no guarantees, but at least I am not planning a cross-country move anymore!