I haven’t painted a ton since I moved this summer, but I still found time to make some small palette changes since my pre-move palette check. Generally, when I reached for something two or more times out of my B-team, I thought carefully about pulling it up to A-Team!
A-Team (Folio Palette)
Top row:
- SH Aureolin Hue (PY151)
- DS Permanent Yellow Deep (PY110)
- DV Quin Red (PR209)
- DS Quin Red (PV19) [double]
- HO Quin Magenta (PR122) – replaced Diox Violet
- HO Phthalo Blue RS (PB15) – added back in
- HO Phthalo Blue YS (PB15:3)
- DS Phthalo Green YS (PG36)
- DS Rich Green Gold (PY129)
Middle row:
- WN Naples Yellow Deep (PBr24) – moved up from bottom row
- DS Quin Gold (PY150, PO48) – replaced both Nickel Azo Yellow and Quin Burnt Orange with the premix! I keep going back and forth between the components and the mix, but I feel like QG is the best-of-both-worlds that balances both nicely and is more distinct from PY129 and PR101.
- DS Perylene Red (PR178) – moved down from top so I stop confusing it with PR209 in the palette
- DS Indanthrone Blue (PB60) [double]
- HO Payne’s Gray (PB15, PBk9, PR122) – moved up from bottom row/replaced Perylene Green. Realized it’s easier to get a strong color and I can also make dark greens.
Bottom row:
- DS Monte Amiata Natural Sienna (PBr7) – made this smaller, even though I use it a lot, mainly because it tends to flake out of the pan when it’s larger.
- DS Transparent Red Oxide (PR101) [double] – made bigger
- DV Lavender (PW6, PV15, PB29) – added! Kind of on the fence about it but it’s pretty and nice for skies/cloud shadows. More convenient than having those colors separately, especially since I usually use them together.
- DV Cobalt Blue (PB28) – made smaller to make room for more colors
- SH Cobalt Turquoise (PG50) – the first color I added back in! So pretty in skies, makes lovely lavenders. I don’t use it often in the field, but I find I grab it a lot for photography-based painting, especially when I’m in a dreamy mood.
B-Team (Pocket Palette)
Top Row:
- HO Imidazolone Lemon (PY175)
- HO Imidazolone Yellow (PY154)
- DS Pyrrol Scarlet (PR255)
- DS Carbazole Violet (PV23) – bumped for PR122
- WN Phthalo Turquoise (PB16)
- DS Indanthrone Blue (PB60) – I have this on the A-team, this is just a copy in a smaller pan
Bottom Row:
- MI Green Gold (PY150) – aka Nickel Azo Yellow
- DS Quin Burnt Orange (PO48) – with PY50, replaced with QG
- HO Yellow Ochre (PY42)
- WN Gold Ochre (PY42)
- DV Indian Red (PR101)
- SH Ultramarine Blue (PB29)
- WN Perylene Green (PBk31)
DV Perylene Red (PR149) isn’t on here anymore, but I have it in a tube. Other tubes not represented are white and black gouache.
Mostly, I just undid the changes I’d made for Vancouver! I moved Dioxazine Violet, Perylene Green, and Quin Burnt Orange back to the B-team. I acknowledge that these are good local colors, but I’ve mostly been painting from photos at home lately – and anyway I like the colors I like! I feel like I alternate between making changes to try new things and returning to my old favorites, and this is an old-favorites version.
Have been reading your posts, especially those exploring artists’ collections of colour choices…voraciously! Love the way you’ve compiled them and your explanations plus paint outs & comments!
One artist I really admire is Karlyn Holman (who sadly has passed away- but many of her lessons are being uploaded on YouTube). She painted mostly watercolor and mixed media with a lot of vibrancy in her work. Quite a variety of subjects.
The YouTube video I’d recommend to watch first is ‘Karlyn Holman’s Watercolor Palette’ as an introduction to the colours she’s chosen and why. Love her personality and enthusiasm.
If you haven’t already seen them, I think you might enjoy viewing them, too.