Thoughts on Creativity from Big Magic and Find Your Artistic Voice

Two books on creativity that I recently enjoyed were Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert and Find Your Artistic Voice by Lisa Congdon. Gilbert focuses mainly on writing and Congdon on visual art, but there’s enough overlap between the two to begin building a generalized theory of creativity.  Concepts Here are some of the concepts from … Read more

Loved & Learned from Kolbie Blume’s Intermediate Landscapes Module 2: Color

I’m working my way through Kolbie Blume’s Intermediate Landscapes course; last time, I discussed module one, on light. In this post, I’ll share my paintings from the color theory section. The Paintings Complementary Snowy Mountain Loved Learned Split-Complementary River Sunset I consciously chose to differ from Kolbie’s color choices and make mine more like the … Read more

Loved & Learned: Kolbie Blume’s Wilderness Watercolor Landscapes, Chapter 1: Skies

After completing Kolbie Blume’s 10 Day #PaintingtheWilderness Challenge, I loved her easy yet magical tutorials so much that I immediately bought her book, Wilderness Watercolor Landscapes. If you enjoyed the challenge and want more tutorials, the book delivers! I’m going to continue the “loved and learned” process from the 10-day challenge for my paintings from the book.

So far, I have completed the tutorials from the first chapter of the book, featuring skies. Here are the paintings I did, all based on Blume’s tutorials from the book, and what I loved and learned from each one. 

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